In an historic interim order, the Madhya Pradesh High Court has stayed the implementation of increased quota in the OBC reservation. The reservation for OBC in Madhya Pradesh was increased from 14% to 27% by the Congress Government led by CM Kamal Nath in 2019. The related Amendment Act was challenged by the petitioners, who had also sought a stay to the implementation of the enhanced quota in the recruitment of employees in Classes II, III and IV by the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission.
More than 400 posts to be filled by the advertisement issued in 2019 would be affected by the order. It should be noted that the recruitment process had almost been completed. Only the final selection list was awaited. However, despite many opportunities being granted, the M. P. Government had not filed its say to the interim application. On last date, the High Court had directed the government to file its say on 28th January, the next date fixed for hearing. However, despite seeking repeated adjournments the M. P. government did not file its say.
The High Court thereafter ordered that the recruitment process may continue, provided only the earlier existing 14% quota is applied for OBC reservation.
It is contented by the petitioners that the increased quota takes the total reservation to 63% which is beyond the 50% mandated by the Supreme Court in Indra Sawhney’s case. It is a point of interest that the crux of the case against Maratha reservation is that it increases the reservation beyond that limit.
The order assumes importance because it is interim in nature. The long pending process of recruitment will have to be completed. Hopefully, that rules out the mischief governments do by way of Ordinances. In any case, this is welcome news. Time for celebration. Hope the tide is turning to the benefit of the open classes.
Tailpiece: The recruitment process (मेगाभरती) in Maharashtra was in effect stayed in the cases against Maratha reservation. As for reservation in education, the original Act provided, per S. 16 (2) that the reservation was not applicable to courses to which admission process had begun prior to the SEBC Act coming in effect. Only the totally obnoxious mindset of the government, expressed by the much hated Ordinance promulgated by the GoM caused the devastation for the 2019 medical PG and UG batches.
©Adv. Shrirang Choudhary
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